Magic maps scout
Magic maps scout

magic maps scout

  • When cl_flippedviewmodels 1 is enabled only the position of the viewmodel is changed, all spell projectiles will still come from the right of the players view.
  • If this is done with Spy, it will use the Sharp Dresser idle animation.
  • The spell animation for the playermodel does not play at all and will instead put the player in a melee pose.
  • While using the Power Up spell, kills with the Eyelander or its variants will not add to the player's head count.
  • The eye effect from the Eyelander will not cloak while under the effects of the Stealth spell.
  • magic maps scout

  • As a Spy, if disguised as a player who does not have a Spellbook equipped, you cannot pick up Spells until undisguised or disguised as someone who does have a Spellbook.
  • Multiple MONOCULUSes spawned by the same team will attack each other should there be no viable targets, or if they are spawned close enough to each other.
  • They will be pushed around as if they were a player.
  • Spectators can be caught in the Ball O' Lightning.
  • When decloaking from the Stealth spell as a Spy, the sound of the decloak is the same as his currently equipped watch.
  • The Swarm of Bats can hit ghosts of the enemy team, triggering the knockback and bleed visuals with no further effect.
  • Magic spells cannot be used if weapon switching is disabled, such as when under the restrictive effects of the Buffalo Steak Sandvich or Half-Zatoichi.
  • Fixed not switching Heavies to their melee weapon.
  • magic maps scout

  • Fixed a case where players could get outside the world.
  • Lowered damage of the "bats" spell from 60 to 40.
  • Fixed an exploit that involved players killing teammates with the meteor spell by switching to Spectator.
  • Fixed rare spells appearing in regular Helltower spellbook pick-ups.
  • Fixed the Shadow Leap spell not appearing in Helltower.
  • Added rare spells to the general spell list, except Skeletons and Monoculus.
  • Removed the Shadow Leap spell from the general spell list when spells are enabled outside of Helltower.
  • (This was already the case the Fireball spell has always had 2 charges ever since its introduction to the game.)
  • Reduced the number of Fireball spells granted to 2.
  • Halloween spells can now be enabled by map authors via HolidayEntity by setting the flag HalloweenSetUsingSpells.
  • Halloween spells can now be enabled and controlled on servers via ConVars tf_spells_enabled and tf_player_spell_drop_on_death_rate.
  • Spies can attack while cloaked with only a short time of semi transparency as the cost.
  • Player condition #66 (used by the invisibility spell) has been altered:.
  • Fixed being able to get into the enemy spawn with the Shadow Leap spell in Helltower.
  • Fixed some items and spell attributes showing incorrect expiration times.
  • Increased speed and damage of the lightning ball spell.
  • Updated spells so they cannot be deflected.
  • Fixed players keeping their spells if they were rolling for them while leaving hell.
  • Fixed the stealth spell only lasting for 2 seconds instead of 8 seconds.
  • Fixed cloaked Spies losing their spells if they attempted to cast them while cloaked.
  • Win the race to start mega healed in the final battle for your prize.
  • The Clocktower contains powerful magic during the Witching hour.
  • magic maps scout

  • Spells can be found by pushing the cart, killing enemies, and during the Witching hour.
  • Equip a spell book and cast spells against your enemies.
  • Players cannot pick up a Magic Spell if they already have one, but can always pick up a Rare Magic Spell regardless. All Magic Spell effects are team-colored, and each has its own killfeed icon (except Overheal and Stealth). Rare Magic Spells only have a single charge, and using one unlocks the Helltower: Hell's Spells achievement. Several normal Magic Spells have multiple charges. These Magic Spells vary greatly, from launching a player into the air to briefly turning invisible to summoning MONOCULUS. When playing on maps with Magic Spells, players who have the Spellbook Magazine, Fancy Spellbook, or the Fireproof Secret Diary equipped can cast Magic Spells that they can pick up around these maps. They were introduced in Helltower and are found on several later Haunted Halloween maps. Magic Spells are pickup items unique to the Haunted maps.

    Magic maps scout